Waterline Renewal Technologies

Paying Homage: Miami Steadfast Sewer Itinerary


The city of Miami has been investing in viable options for sewer repair and replacement of pipelines in a state of disrepair. For years, Miami has been a positive reference for other cities when it comes to learning the best method of keeping water infrastructures operating at a superior level. The city’s efficiency for maintaining the sewer system has not gone unnoticed. Equipped with a comprehensive master plan, Miami’s capital improvement program is in full effect and while hundreds of projects have already been completed, even more are planned for the near future. The projects range from water and sewer line rehabilitation and replacement, enhanced monitoring and data systems integration, to improved energy efficiency. Treatment plant upgrades and expansion are also in the works. Recently, Miami received accolades for its insightful and careful planning for future needs of the city, as it involves water systems and distribution.

Additionally, the city is now working on the installation of a large waterline traveling down SW 152 Street, parallel to the Miami Zoo. In addition to this, the construction of a new state-of-the-art advanced metering and fiber-optic emergency response system is debuting. The system is complete with new leak detection technology for over 100 miles of the transmission and distribution system. Within a matter of only months, the new component identified up to 50 leaks, thereby saving over 400 million gallons of water. Because of this advancement, the city was presented with an additional award in water loss management.

Did you know that The Miami Zoo is expanding and currently has even more to see? The new section of the Zoo sits on five acres of land. When you visit expect to see black bears, panthers, alligators, crocodiles and more. Interestingly, Florida Panthers are estimated to only have a total population ranging from 120-230.
